A couple of years ago I bought a Murraya paniculata from a local orchid nursery. After a few years it started to develope flower buds and I was excited to finally see it blossom. Unfortunately the buds never fully developed. They stayed on the plant for almost a year but never grew bigger.
In March of this year I visited a botanical garden and found a big Murraya paniculata in one of the greenhouses. I picked up a few fruits that had dropped on the floor. Also there were a number of seedlings growing under the tree. I also pulled out two seedlings just to have another option. I bought seeds before but couldn’t get them to germinate.

When I arrived back home I removed the seeds from the fruits and let them dry for a few days. After that I just sowed them in regular soil and put it on my window sill. It didn’t take long until the first seeds germinated.

Much to my surprise the first seedling flowered in the beginning of October just around 6 or 7 months after sowing. Here are a couple of picture of the seedlings including the one that flowered already.